Ford calls a facebook post claiming the automaker is hiring… a Hoax. I’m jerry reynoldsthe car pro with your automotive news in sixty seconds. A blurb posted on a facebook account claims ford is hiring factory workers, and it directspeople to call a recruitment line. But ford says it does not hire through socialmedia and it had nothing to do with the post. So could apple end up buying Tesla? That’sthe question a lot of people are asking… as Tesla meanwhile, reports short deliverytimes on its luxury “p-85-d” model s. This week, apple shareholders told their CEO,they’d like Apple to buy the electric car maker. Apple is reportedly already workingon its own electric vehicle. Finally… While the market for two-seatersporters is shrinking, don’t count out a new bmw z-4 just yet. Bmw says it’ll replace its aging roadster with a new “z-4” or “z-5” by 2020. Toyota is reportedly involved in the project. I’m Jerry Reynolds, the car pro! Have agreat week!
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